Marilou “Avyanna” Cuyos, Millionaire Circle

As an action-taker as she is, Marilou firmly believes that having the desire and decision can really change your life forever. With this belief, Marilou became the 91st millionaire of Elites Empire. She is an independent woman who worked for three years. As a breadwinner of the family, Marilou eagerly and actively looked for an opportunity that can massively change their lives. This community has helped her in so many ways. Aside from being the millionaire, Marilou gained experiences, wisdom and the transformation she could have never imagined she’ll be having if it weren’t for Elites Empire. Marilou knows that being a millionaire is just the first step towards success. Now, she is more and more ready than ever to pass on the torch to a lot of people who dream the wildest dreams.