Iris Cris “The Sansa” Callo, Millionaire Circle

Iris Cris Callo has a BS in Fisheries and worked as an office assistant for three years. She seized any opportunity that was presented to her since she was so eager to start making money right away, even if it had nothing to do with her course of study. She didn’t even hesitate to start working right away after graduating, even though it was far away, because she wanted to support her family. She came to the realization that she deserved more in life and that she wants more as a result of working. She was truly hoping for a chance that would advance her in life, particularly financially.

Luckily, she came across Elites Empire. It was only then that she truly felt valuable, treasured, and loved when she discovered her HOME. Along with her financial progress, she has had significant personal growth. She developed an open mind, and she is now the most self-assured person she has ever been.