Allen Joi “Storm” Villacillo, Millionaire Circle

Allen Joi Villacillo was former government employee and a freelancer for 4 years. She is licensed customs broker by profession who graduated as a Cum Laude.

Before she met Elites Empire, her ultimate goal is to have 1 million retirement benefits at age of 60 but after seeing the vision of our community, although it’s an honor for her to serve the public, she immediately resigned from the government service and took the leap of faith to do this business full time. As a result, she became a Millionaire in less than 6 months and now serve as an international mentor for being able to handle leaders both locally and internationally. She is a firmed believer that you can be someone you want to be as long as you believe in yourself.

Allen Joi is also known as STORM because it’s a representation of a strong leader who cleans and leads the way.