Millionaire Circle

Marilou “Avyanna” Cuyos, Millionaire Circle

As an action-taker as she is, Marilou firmly believes that having the desire and decision can really change your life forever. With this belief, Marilou became the 91st millionaire of Elites Empire. She is an independent woman who worked for three years. As a breadwinner of the family, Marilou eagerly and actively looked for an

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Ma. Angela “Ameera” Anonuevo, Millionaire Circle

Ma. Angela Anonuevo, is a former General Accountant for 2 years. A typical student who grew up and who invested in her studies, got good grades, certifications, to get a good employment opportunity after graduating. Working for more than 8 hours, she realized earlier on that what she was earning was not enough so she

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